Friday 26 February 2016

What is programmming and why should you code ?

In the simplest language, Programming is explaining to a computer what you want it to do for you. it involves set of instructions that are written following a particular synthax.
The above picture is a program called scratch developed by MIT media Labs which is a free language and an online community for programming. The simple code written in this language is synonymous to the below code.

Lets have a look at this simple code in a programming language called C used for programming operating systems. The first Operating system wrtten in C is Unix.Other operating systems like GNU/Linux were all written in C. So analyzing this simple code above we realize it is printing Ohai world to the user whenever it is executed.
Says the Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg
Programming is one of the things in the world that you can do where you can sit down and make something from scratch
"Everybody should be a programmer, because it helps you to think"
Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. RIP
Click for more Info on scratch......
Click here to read more on C programming...
Click here to read more on Computer programming...

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